Innovation @BTH GASS
GASS Game Accelerate South Sweden
GASS Mission
GASS project is a cooperation between five partners and financed by Tillväxtverket (Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden).
The project mission is to improve the conditions for start-ups within the game domain and profile Blekinge and Skåne as a hot-spot for game startups.
Our partners in the project are well known in the incubation and game community already and will contribute to the success of the project. The partners are:
- BBI – Blekinge Business Incubator and Game Port
- IDEON Innovation
- Game Habitat
Since BTH have successful educations in the game domain, the project is relevant for both our students and staff connected. We hope that this will enable further development for the game industry in Blekinge and Skåne.
GASS project is operational from January 2020 to December 2022.
Contact person within BTH is Kennet Henningsson
BTH Project manager

Kennet Henningsson