SESAM – Secure software engineering through Sensible AutoMation

The rising complexity and sophistication of cyber threats necessitate proactive security measures in software development. Traditional methods, which often incorporate security checks late in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), are inadequate due to their high cost and inefficiency. There are several barriers to integrate security measures early in the development—such as supporting developers in understanding and implementing security measures, integrating security into existing workflows, avoid productivity disruptions. The project will empower developers with tools and practices to


Finansiär: BTH, KK-stiftelsenStatus: PågåendeForskningsområde: ProgramvaruteknikKontaktperson: Davide Fucci, davide.fucci@bth.seLänk till projektsidan: 4 MkrProjektstart: 2024Projektslut: 2027Projektpartner: Synteda AB, CodeScene, Ericsson MFS