Masterarbete i Programvaruteknik
Programkurstillfälle, 30 hp
- Studietid: 2025 vecka 4 till 2025 vecka 23
- Ort: Campus Karlskrona
- Undervisningsform: Campus, dagtid, helfart 100%
- Huvudområde: Programvaruteknik
- Språk: Engelska
- Nivå: A2E
- Anmälningskod: B6CXQ
- Kurskod: PA2534
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Masterarbete i Programvaruteknik, 30 hp
The Master Thesis in Software Engineering is the culmination of your studies in which you independently plan, conduct and report on a research project. You work together with industry or academia. The actual problem you work on can vary; it can be about finding a new process, method, model, or developing a new algorithm, system or solution, or about evaluating and comparing pre-existing solutions.