Department of Industrial Economics, TIEK


The research in Industrial Economics and Management at BTH focuses on the interplay between technology, innovation and industrial dynamics. Key issues concern the preconditions for as well as consequences of new technologies and their implementation in businesses. This spans technology-based business and entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation in established as well as new and emerging industries and businesses. The research is organized in two themes:

Management of innovation and technology
This line of research has the firm, project or project organization as its natural unit of analysis. The focus is on analyses of resource bases, strategy, competence and capabilities, and how these interplay with technology and innovation. The research span business models, strategy, investment risks and competence and capability development.

Industrial dynamics and technological change 
The research in this theme is focused on analyses of market, industry and business dynamics, and the role of policy. It comprises studies of entrepreneurship, development of new industries and businesses, diffusion of innovations and new technologies. It also comprises analyses of economy-wide change processes that span businesses across time and space, for example initiated by general purpose technologies like ICT.

Working paper series
S-WoPec – Working Paper Series


Ongoing projects


Entrepreneurship and Crime

Participants: Pontus Braunerhjelm, Martin Svensson and Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol

Title: An offer you can’t refuse… A study of perceived social disorder and crime on trust and local entrepreneurship

Since some time, crime, stretching from disturbing behavior, petty theft to more grave encroachment, is reported to have become one of the most severe problems for business activities. According to the Swedish Federation of Industries (2023), the annual costs for enterprises amounts to more than 100 billion SEK, i.e., twice the costs of the Swedish armed forces. Implementing novel and hitherto unexploited forensic survey data gathered by the Swedish police between 2005 and 2023 (Polisen 2023), this project focuses on how local disorder and criminal activity affects perceived safety, trust and entrepreneurial activities. The questionnaire has been directed towards a representative sample of approximately 75 000 individuals each year in 58 municipalities in southern Sweden. The data encompasses various degrees of disturbances that individuals have been exposed to, verbally and physically. We will pool forensic data with data from Statistics Sweden and GEM on local entry, exits, firm growth, and propensity to start firms. We then investigate whether these intrusions have led to a decline in trust, perceived insecurity, latent threats, committed crimes, and the ensuing effects on firm entry, propensity to start firms, exits, growth and relocation of small and young incumbent firms.


Multiple treatments

Participants: Torbjörn Danell (Tillväxtsanalys) & Jonas Månsson (BTH). Impact of multiple support

Normally when evaluating policy, treatment is considered to be binary in the respect that some firms are treated (e.g. get support) and some are not (control group). However, this do not have to be the case. For example, when evaluating the European regional development fund (Andersson et al., 2023) we identified firms that some firms; a) had several treatments from several support givers, b) had several treatments from the same support giver and c) had several supports from several support givers and several supports from the same support giver. In Andersson et al. (2023) all firms that had received multiple support was eliminated from the evaluation with the argument that we could not, in a ‘normal’ way, identify impacts. This has also been the predominant strategies in all recent policy evaluations concerning firms support. In an ongoing study we explore the possibilities to include these firms using a generalisation(s) of methods used for binary treatment on the ERUF 2014-2020 data. We focus firms that got one, two and more support within the same priority and thus by the same support provider (ERUF). In the study we also make a deep descriptive dive into the characteristics of firms that receive multiple support. The report is to be finalised winter 2024.

Participant: Jonas Månsson, Impact of direct support to Swedish farms – a dose-response analysis

Some policies are by construction such that if a firms fulfil certain criteriums they are entitled to support. Other supports are so general that all who applies get funding. In both these situations traditional policy evaluation approaches will not work. In one recent study (Freight transport subsidy) and one ongoing project (direct support to farms) we are using variation in treatment intensity to shed some light on possible impacts. In the literature this approach goes by the name ‘dose-response’ analysis. Even though it lately caught some attention in the industrial policy literature it is far from new. The method is standard in e.g. clinical test of new pharmacies. In the recently finished study concerning freight transport subsidies we showed that, in general, more treatment did not result in “more” impacts on turnover or profits. When value added was used as outcome the results was that intense treatment (85% of maximum support) resulted in small statistically significant results, however, these small statistically significant impacts was too small to motivate an economic significant contribution of the freight transport subsidy.

Conceptualising Cross-Border Regions in the European Union’s Legal Order: From Covidfencing to Constitutionalisation

Participants:Marja-Liisa Öberg (Lund), Rhiannon Pugh (Lund), Jasna Pocek (BTH), Jacob Öberg (Örebro University and University of Southern Denmark)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to limelight the special role of cross-border regions (CBRs) in the European Union (EU). CBRs connect various regions at state borders and foster intensive social and economic relationships which are vital for the livelihoods of millions of people. However, national crisis response measures including border closures (‘covidfencing’) have caused serious disruptions to the CBRs’ functioning, revealing a conundrum in EU integration whereby the effective functioning of CBRs, which embody the successes of a borderless area is severely impaired in crises by a lack of explicit recognition in EU law.

The project intends to illuminate the necessity to regulate CBRs in EU law and to analyse critically whether this would be a suitable means for ensuring their effective functioning and resilience in future crises. In a unique multi-disciplinary study combining law and regional economic geography perspectives, the project, first, questions the particular role of CBRs in EU integration and whether their status in the EU’s legal framework corresponds to their economic and societal relevance. Second, the study seeks to elucidate the effects of the predominantly national crisis measures during the COVID-19 pandemic on CBRs, and assess whether regional, national and EU-level coordination efforts have been adequate to ensure their proper functioning. Third, the study endeavours to clarify whether the role of CBRs warrants an enhanced status under EU law.




Master’s programme

MBA programme, 60 credits

Become a better leader and boost your engineering career with an MBA from BTH. The MBA is a part-time distance programme, allowing you to combine studies with work and complete your studies from home. Our MBA programme is designed to give engineers more opportunities and competence. You will develop your ability to integrate technology with finance in an engineering context and build on previous experiences with fresh knowledge of strategy, financing, organisation and leadership.

For more information, please visit the course webpage.



Specialized courses

Course package in Industrial Economics and Management, 30 credits

The course package consists of four courses: Product management 7,5 hp; Process and project management 7,5 hp; Strategy and business models in technology-intensive businesses 7,5 hp; and Leadership in high technology and knowledge-intensive organizations 7,5 hp. The course package offers specialized courses within industrial economics and management for students who want to increase their knowledge within this area. The courses are part-time 50 %, which means that two courses are given in parallel.

For more information, please visit the course webpage.




Andersson, Christian

Andersson, Martin

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385657
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Professor/Dekan
  • Room: J2414

Bengtsson, Lars

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Professor

Bourelos, Evangelos

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385606
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2404

Braunerhjelm, Pontus

Brychko, Maryna

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385636
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2418

Börrefors, Johanna

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385681
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Lecturer
  • Room: J2413

Deiaco, Enrico

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Affilierad forskare

Eklund, Johan

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Professor
  • Room: J2228

Ghanaati, Mohammadmehdi

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385623
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Industridoktorand
  • Room: J2417

Hammarström, Gustav

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Forskarstudent

Hosseini, Mojtaba

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385616
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2225

Jienwatcharamongkhol, Viroj

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385603
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2403

Karlsson, Charlie

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Professor emeritus
  • Room: J2405

Keskitalo, Mikael

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385639
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Lecturer
  • Room: J2223

Lager, Thomas

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Affilierad forskare

Lappi, Emma

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Researcher

Lövstål, Eva

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385604
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer/Head of department
  • Room: J2222

Mattsson, Pontus

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Affilierad forskare

Månsson, Jonas

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385612
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Professor
  • Room: J2415

Nilsson, Monica

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385842
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Institutionskoordinator
  • Room: J2224 / J2532

Numminen, Emil

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385601
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2402

ODonnell, Christopher

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385617
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Gästforskare

Pan Fagerlin, Wen

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385618
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2227

Poček, Jasna

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Researcher

Quoreshi, Shahiduzzaman

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385638
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Biträdande professor
  • Room: J2409

Rasmussen, Kjartan

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385641
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Doctoral student
  • Room: J2419

Rouchy, Philippe

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385379
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2411

Stenström, Amanda

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Industridoktorand

Stone, Trudy-Ann

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385624
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer
  • Room: J2423

Svensson, Martin

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385354
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Universitetslektor/Docent/Proprefekt
  • Room: J2412

Sällberg, Henrik

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385613
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer/Associate professor
  • Room: J2410

Törnqvist Krasemann, Johanna

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385881
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Senior lecturer/Associate professor
  • Room: J2226

Uddin, M Reaz

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Industridoktorand

Unnikrishnan, Anupama

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385605
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Lecturer
  • Room: J2416

Wrenne, Anders

  • Department/Unit: Department of Industrial Economics
  • Phone: +46 (0)455-385621
  • Email:
  • Workplace: Karlskrona
  • Title: Förste universitetsadjunkt/Studierektor
  • Room: J2408