Innovation Office

Innovation Office


We moved, now you will find us in room 321, building C.

There you also find our HESI colleagues.


Innovation Office supports innovation and entrepreneurship originating from BTH’s staff, researchers and students.

Innovation and the application of research is a natural part of BTH’s operations and is a continuous activity.  With the use of BTH’s Innovation Office this can be improved.

Today, six people work at Innovation Office. They have different areas of responsibility – from communication with students and the development of innovative models, to hands-on support to the innovator.

Process for innovation

Innovation is not magic, it is often a combination of good ideas, structured work and finding good support to implement the innovation.

At Innovation Office, we work with some basic elements that can best be described in three phases:

  1. Generate – innovate to find the solution to the recognized problem.
  2. Evaluate – the phase in which the intended solution is tested to see if it meets expectations and is deemed viable.
  3. Implement – create an opportunity for the idea to reach its customers and final users.
    How this is implemented differs depending on the type of idea, who is the originator and how the team behind the idea wants to move forward. A good start is to contact the Innovation office to find out more.

Supporting your ideas

Innovation Office can help in all three phases mentioned above, either through its own support and cooperation with other parties, such as Blekinge Business Incubator (BBI), Innovation Office South and others.

No situation is the same, therefore we adapt and try to help the innovator. We jointly identify the need and help drive the idea forward. We can give coaching through the innovation process, financial contribution where applicable or contact with the appropriate network for instance.

As staff or student at BTH, you have great opportunities to develop your thoughts on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Leap Frogs Scholarship

The Leap Frog Scholarship allows students to work with their ideas during the summer. This scholarship is provided yearly and the application deadline for this year is on the 12th of February.

For more information about this years application see the link below:


Within Innovation Office, two externally funded projects are currently managed, which are largely the basis of our funding. In addition to these projects, we also receive some funding from Innovation Office South in order to provide our support.

PreInk refers to pre-incubation. The focus of the project is to create a large volume of potential innovations and entrepreneurs who test their thoughts and ideas. The project is aimed at the broad population, but BTH focuses on our students, researchers and staff.

More information.

GASS is the abbreviation for Game Accelerate South Sweden. The ambition is to strengthen the conditions for gaming-related companies in both the regions of Skåne and Blekinge. This is driven by the desire to make southern Sweden a recognized gaming hub.

More information.

The mission of Innovation Office South (IKS) is to support innovation and the use of research at higher education institutions in the area. This means, IKS is supporting Blekinge Institute of Technology and Kristianstad University.

More information.


Kennet Henningsson

Kennet Henningsson
Innovation Office Lead

Matilda  Håkansson

Matilda Håkansson