Guide – how to create your personal web page

This guide describes how to create your personal web page at


Tobias Larsson

Claes Wohlin

Lisa Skär


Log in

1. Log in to

2. When you see the intranet start page, go to this address:

Your user account at will now be created automatically.


Create your personal web page

1. Click on the user profile icon in the top right corner.

2. Click on your name.

3. Scroll down to Info

4. Profile picture – upload a picture of yourself (size 500px). If you need help in creating the image in the right size, send it to We will fix it and return it to you.

5. Upload a pdf with your CV by clicking ”Lägg till fil”. Upload your CV.

6. Fill in Biography title and Biography – both short and extended version. (Swedish/English) The extended version will be visible when you click “read more” on the page.

N.B! – Copy and paste
If you prefer to add text by copy and paste from a word file, you will have to click the ”T” symbol (add as text) before pasting the text.


7. Press image – you can upload a specific picture that can be used by press (highres).

8. Options for optional links to social media: fill in the social network you want to be visible on your web page. For example

9. Ongoing projects/Finished projects

10. Featured publications – you can choose your best publications.

11. Latest publications – will automatically be fetched from DIVA.

12. Statistics – here you can add publications per year, number of total citations and citations per year. You can find them on your Google Scholar page. Unfortunately, Google Scholar doesn´t offer any API. It would have been nice if this could have been done automatically. Add them in this order: 2014, 2015 and 2016.

13. Twitter + Instagram username – you can choose if you want to add your Twitter and/or Instagram feeds.

14. You can choose if you want your personal web page in both Swedish and English. But you should at least fill in the short biography in both languages.

15. Under Select research subject – Select the research area in which you are active.

16. Save your personal web page by clicking the Update button at the end of the page.

You can always update your profile by repeating the steps above.

You can now visit your personal page at: