Software Engineering

Software Engineering

The research covers technologies, methods and processes for the development of complex software systems and the application of systematic and measurable methods for development, running and maintenance of software-intensive systems, services and products. This research ranks second in the world.

The research in software engineering at BTH is conducted by SERL Sweden, which is one of the leading research groups in empirical and evidence-based software engineering in Europe. We are closely collaborating with industry to solve actual industrial challenges and strengthen our partners’ competitiveness in the development of software-intensive systems, services and products.

Software engineering focuses on the engineering of software development with a particular emphasis on industrial challenges.

We cover a broad set of competencies spanning from technical solutions to business issues. In our research, we integrate top-ranked academic research with strong industrial relevance.

The research in software engineering is mainly conducted at the Department of Software Engineering.

Research areas

Our research areas include:

Agile/Lean Development
CS/SE Education
Empirical and evidence-based software engineering
Global software engineering
Human-centered software engineering
Requirements engineering
Research methods
Search-based software engineering
Software architecture, -modeling and product lines
Software businesses, ecosystems and innovation
Software quality
Software process improvement
Software product management
Value-based product development
Verification and validation

Examples of projects

InScale – Supporting InnerSource Transformation at Scale

InScale – Supporting InnerSource Transformation at Scale

The InScale research project, in collaboration with Ericsson AB and IKEA IT AB, aims to support large-scale InnerSource transformations in companies. InnerSource involves applying open source software development principles within a company to enhance collaboration, transparency, and knowledge sharing across different geographies and business units.

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ThreMoLIA – Threat Modeling for LLM-Integrated applications

ThreMoLIA – Threat Modeling for LLM-Integrated applications

The project aims to develop a threat modeling methodology for RAG-based LLM-Integrated Applications (LIAs) and a tool powered by a specialized LLM capable of generating and continuously maintaining threat models.

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SESAM – Secure software engineering through Sensible AutoMation

SESAM – Secure software engineering through Sensible AutoMation

The rising complexity and sophistication of cyber threats necessitate proactive security measures in software development. Traditional methods, which often incorporate security checks late in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), are inadequate due to their high cost and inefficiency. There are several barriers to integrate security measures early in the development—such as supporting developers in understanding and implementing security measures, integrating security into existing workflows, avoid  productivity disruptions. The project will empower developers with tools and practices to seamlessly integrate security.

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Testing with AI Reinforced GUI Embedded Technology (T.A.R.G.E.T.)

Testing with AI Reinforced GUI Embedded Technology (T.A.R.G.E.T.)

Many testing activities in the software industry, including those based on Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), are still performed manually due to a lack of automation tools and knowledge. This makes testing costly and error-prone, directly impacting the user’s experience and their ability to meet their needs.

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Working from home (WFH) or telework is something that until COVID-19 has been known only as a voluntary and often exceptional practice in the workplace, and remoters were often looked at with skepticism. However, the individual experience during the forced working from home appeared to be better-than-expected. Coupled with the investments enabling remote work during the pandemic caused many knowledge workers to rethink the return to the offices, and to favor continuing working from home occasionally, mostly or indefinitely. But do we know enough about remote working to make informant decisions?

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Professional Master in Information Security (PROMIS) focuses on information, data and software intensive product and service development security as a field. The field’s criticality for Swedish industrial companies and organizations is central as security concerns as well as data and integrity protection, are prerequisites for the modern connected age.

PROMIS is a joint project between Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) and several leading Swedish industrial companies and organizations. The goal is to supply customized, free courses in Information Security for professional engineers and software developers in the industry.

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M.E.T.A. – Modelling Efficient Test Architectures
Testing and test automation are crucial parts of modern software development. Many techniques have been developed, including model-based tests (MBT). In MBT, the developer creates a model that represents an abstraction of the system under test’s (SUT) behaviour that can be executed to verify the SUT’s conformance to said model. The technique has been highly studied in academia but is currently still underutilised in practice. Furthermore, the technique is mostly used in embedded and hardware driven domains, such as automotive systems, even though research has presented many benefits with the technique for testing in other domains.

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GIST – Gaining actionable Insights from Software Testing

GIST – Gaining actionable Insights from Software Testing

With shortened delivery cycles and continuous deployment, companies rely on extensive and frequent testing to ensure product quality. The data generated from testing, other development activities, and product usage can provide valuable insights to improve product quality and development processes. While data is plentiful, making sense of it to gain actionable insights requires a multi-dimensional analysis. Designing, implementing, and evaluating such analyses daily is a rare practice in the industry as it is expensive and not adopted beyond research pilots. Hence, we need intelligent, automated, and reusable approaches that collect and analyze the available data to allow engineers and managers to make informed decisions.

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SERT – Software Engineering ReThought is a groundbreaking research project with the aim to take on the next generation challenges facing companies developing software intensive systems and products. We as an engineering lab are blazing the road introducing 3:rd generation empirical software engineering – denoting close co-production of pragmatic problem solving in close collaboration with our industrial partners as we perform engineering research into topics critical for engineering and business success.

SERTs formulation of 3:rd generation empirical software engineering will utilize related knowledge areas as catalysts to solve challenges. Value-based engineering, Data-driven evidence based engineering, and Human-based development will complement software engineering competence in an integrated eco-system of competence focused on the challenges at hand.
All areas in software engineering, ranging from inception, realization to evolution are part of the research venture – reflecting that companies need solutions covering their entire ecosystem.

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PLEng – Professional Licentiate of Engineering School

PLEng – Professional Licentiate of Engineering School

PLEng (Professional Licentiate of Engineering School) is a concept of integrated research school that enables the industry to develop skills-based specialists and objective problem solvers. The research school, which is conducted for 3 years part-time, focuses on developing applied research and innovative solutions to specific problems. Participants in PLEng combine their research studies in parallel with work in their respective companies, which means a more flexible form compared with traditional research studies. During their time in the research school, they are given the opportunity to delve into an area for an extended period to build skills and develop new ideas.

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BESQ + is a research project that aims to build strong research in software engineering at BTH. The project includes research in the following areas: value creation and innovation in the software field; architecture, especially in connection with cloud software services (typically online, without the user knowing where the services are actually provided) and multi-processor systems; efficient development processes; global software development, and balance and coordination between the business perspective, architecture, processes and organisation.

Funder: The Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KKS), period 2011–2013
Project manager: Claes Wohlin
Collaborative partners: BAE Systems Hägglunds, Ericsson, IBM, Qtema, Ricksell Innovation, Sauer Danfoss and ST-Ericsson.
Contact person: Claes Wohlin


EASE is an industrial centre of excellence in collaboration with Lund University and four companies. BTH’s work within the project is focused on software for multi-processor systems, new and more efficient modes of development, and the link between software requirements and tests.

Funders: VINNOVA, Sony Mobile Communications, ST-Ericsson, Axis Communications, and Softhouse Consulting Baltic.
Collaborative partners: Sony Mobile Communications, ST-Ericsson, Axis Communications, Softhouse Consulting Baltic and Lund University.
Contact person: Claes Wohlin
More information


tony-gorschekProfessor Tony Gorschek
Head of subject, software engineering
Telephone: + 455-38 58 17