Publications CITR

Working Paper Series


WP 2018/3: Conditional Heteroskedasticity in Long Memory Model FIMACH Estimation and Application

Authors: A.M.M. Shahiduzzaman Quoreshi and Sabur Mollah


WP 2018/2: The Readymade garment workers of Bangladesh: Factors Influencing Perceptions of Workplace Abuse

Authors: Reaz Uddin, A.M.M. Shahiduzzaman Quoreshi Quoreshi and Martin Svensson


WP 2018/1: Bank risk and Return

Authors: Linda Dastory and Emil Numminen


WP 2017/1: Risk factors importance and allocation in infrastructure Private Public Partnerships

Authors: Henrik Sällberg and Emil Numminen


WP 2017/2: Investments, financial constraints in non-quoted Swedish FirmsOne column

Authors: Linda Dastrory, Johan Eklund and Emil Numminen


WP 2015/1: The impact of social factors on external financing of newly founded businesses

Authors: Anders Isaksson and A.M.M. Shahiduzzaman Quoreshi


WP 2014/7: Atanasoff’s invention input and early computing state of knowledge

Author: Philippe Rouchy


WP 2014/6: Closing the Gap: An Empirical Evidence on Firm’s Innovation, Productivity, and Exports

Authors: Sam Tavassoli, Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol


WP 2014/5: Financial Market Contagion during the Global Financial Crisis

Authors: Sabur Mollah, Goran Zafirov, A.M.M. Shahiduzzaman Quoreshi


WP 2014/4: Regional productivity effects of multinational firm affiliates

Authors: Martin Andersson, Urban Gråsjö, Charlie Karlsson


WP 2014/3: Bivariate Integer-Valued Long Memory Model for High Frequency Financial Count Data

Author: A.M.M. Shahiduzzaman Quoreshi


WP 2014/2: Something New: Where do new industries come from?

Authors: Maryann Feldman, Sam Tavassoli


WP 2014/1: Media clusters and metropolitan knowledge economy

Authors: Charlie Karlsson, Philippe Rouchy


WP 2012/12: The Dynamics and Evolution of Local Industries: The Case of Linköping, Sweden

Author: Sabrina Fredin


WP 2012/11: Innovation Determinants over Industry Life Cycle

Author: Sam Tavassoli


WP 2012/10: The Role of Knowledge Heterogeneity on the Innovative Capability of Industrial Districts

Author: Nunzia Carbonara, Sam Tavassoli


WP 2012/9: Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition and Exploitation in the Academia: a Dynamic Process of Networking?

Author: Eleonore Huang Vogel


WP 2012/8: Social self in a virtual world

Author: Thomas Hansson


WP 2012/7: Influences on virtual pedagogical design

Author: Thomas Hansson, Ossi Pesämaa


WP 2012/6: Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, Governance and Regional Economic Development

Author: Charlie Karlsson


WP 2012/5: Knowledge flows, knowledge externalities and regional economic development

Authors: Charlie Karlsson, Urban Gråsjö


WP 2012/4: Researching Mergers & Acquisitions with the Case Study Method: Idiographic Understanding of Longitudinal Integration Processes

Author: Lars Bengtsson


WP 2012/3: New Dimensions Added for Enhanced Core Competence Application

Author: Urban Ljungquist


WP 2012/2: Management Roles in Innovative Technology Implementation: A Healthcare Perspective

Author: Urban Ljungquist


WP 2012/1: Obstacles and Facilitators of Developments in Entrepreneur-driven Firms

Author: Urban Ljungquist, Navid Ghannad