Stipendium för studier i Storbritannien – 100,000kr 2024 (Svenska Ingenjörssällskapet Great Britain)

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Sista datum för anmälning: 2024-06-30

Företagsnamn: Svenska Ingenjörssällskapet i Great Britain

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Utbildningsnivå: Magister/Master

Utbildningsområde: Civilingenjörsutbildningar Datavetenskap och mjukvaruutveckling Digitala medier och spelteknik Fysisk planering Hälsa och vård Industriell ekonomi Maskinteknik Strategiskt ledarskap för hållbarhet Telekommunikation

The Society of Swedish Engineers in Great Britain is offering a unique scholarship opportunity for a young, motivated and driven Swedish engineer currently studying, or planning to study in the United Kingdom 2024-2025, either in industry or an ac

The Society has for a long time awarded scholarships with the intention of making it possible for Swedish engineers to visit the UK and study at British technology institutions. The scholarship is primarily intended for students who have recently graduated from a Swedish higher technical education and are interested in international technology development, management and marketing.

Belopp: 7500 pund (ca 100,000kr)
